Thursday, December 30, 2010

We only accept

the love we believe we deserve.

Johnny told me that. Nobody can ever understand how happy I am to know where he is, and have him back in my life again. It took a total of ten minutes for him to say things that made me feel better about where I am in life, and now I feel that things will be okay sometime.

In other news, I got a new tattoo yesterday.
It's a tree. Its location is my right leg. It's beautiful and I love it.

In other other news, tomorrow is New Years Eve. I will be doing absolutely nothing, because I get the pleasure of waking up at 4 a.m. to serve doughnuts and coffee to all you folks with a hangover. This will be another one of my countless New Years' spent alone. If someone would like to sneak into my house at midnight and kiss me while I sleep, that would be alright.

I am working to accept the love I believe I deserve.
Now Playing: In Rainbows - Radiohead

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