Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tomorrrow should be

fun, I'm going to go get my hair chopped off.

Truth is: I'm scared that it will get fucked up, and I'll look like a boiy.
Admission: I'm going to feel so guilty spending thirty dollars on it.
Fact: I am going to overdraw my bank account for one day, in order to get it cut. I don't get paid until Friday, but I just can't wait any longer.

I"m angry that the piercing place told me it would be an extra twenty dollars to pierce my septum because it has been done once, and they'd be going through scar tissue, or some cop out excuse for more money.
This makes me think that even though I know it's not safe for me to do it myself again, I'm going to anyway, because there is no way I'm spending sixty dollars to get my nose pierced again.
If anyone wants to do it for me and has some kind of idea of the right way, I'll be more than glad to let you do it. Same thing goes for my haircut.

In other news: I'm so overwhelmed with everything. I have final exams to study for, I have my final sculpture project to even start still, there are four Fine Arts critiques I haven't written, I need to find a place to live next year, and I do believe a certain Mr. Johi is staying with me this weekend. So little time, so much to do.
For now though, I'm going to sleep, and I don't have to be awake tomorrow until I want to be.
Goodnight moon.

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