is an entirely objective medium, obviously, but I've never taken the time to think about it.
I'm taking a class this semester entitled "How do we understand art, and what therefore should we do?"
The first assignment was to watch a play about just that. Art. Who are we to judge? It was called simply, A R T, written by Yazmina Reza. It was originally a French play, translated into English, about three men and one painting.
The play itself wasn't the greatest, or at least didn't strike my fancy, but the things that it had to offer were very intriguing.
One white painting, on a white canvas, with white diagonal lines.
200,000 francs.
One fight, the word "fuck" about eighty times, three crying scenes, and one make up involving a blue felt tip marker.
That was the play in a nutshell, but it took two hours to show.
In the ending monologue by Yvon, he says:
"Nothing formative in the world, nothing great or beautiful in the world has ever been born of rational argument."
Think about that. It's truer than anything I've ever heard.
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