Monday, September 6, 2010


My headline is no longer correct, folks.

This here bloggy is now being bloggily blogged from my college dorm room.

I know, I was away for a while. Meh. I just lost time after school was out, since I no longer had a seventh period study hall.
So hm, cause I know it's really vital information to you all, I'll tell you about college from my perspective:
1. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
2 It is also everything it is cracked up to be.
3. It's easy to find people you'd like to be friends with, it's hard to actually become friends with them. The percent of people who actually meet once and then become friends has to be like, .000000001 up here.
4. People learn your name because you have tattoos and/or snakebites.
5. The common misconception of most of the Honors College students: You blow your nose ring right out every time you sneeze. (I am however dispelling this rumor every time someone asks me that question.)
6. You will probably hate your roommate. Especially if he/she scuba dives and uses very rapid hand motion while speaking.
7. You think you will like getting away, but you don't. Granted, it is nice not having fat ass, one ton crazy bitches constantly ruining your high school life, you will miss your good friends way more than you hate fat people.
8. People are still mean in college.
9. But there are so many more nice people.
10. Hookah makes friends.
11. You will often want to leave.
12. Every guy really is obsessed with CoD.
13. You will play dibs, A LOT.

Take that how you see it, but that's what I've learned so far.
Over and out.

Now Playing: The Big Dirty, Every Time I Die

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